TECHNICAL Evaluation

Code Analysis:

You may encounter a special request from client to produce stamped engineering letters or other inquiries in the following areas where we can help:

  • The design deviates from client standards;
  • Code assessment required from permit office;
  • Develop design specifications;
  • Review design standards;
  • Generate a stamped technical report on a variety of engineering subjects per request.

Technical Evaluation:

Technical evaluations are often required in the engineering field to ensure that equipment is properly supported, structures or foundations are safe to use. This often requires advanced technical skills and we are here to help:
  • Provide technical evaluation for an existing foundation prior to equipment upgrades;
  • Provide technical reports for existing structural failures or faulty performance; develop remedial solutions;
  • Compare different technical options and provide professional opinion;
  • Provide evaluations on optimum design solutions;
  • Generate a stamped report per request.