Dear Civil/Structural Department Manager or Business Owner,
Welcome to Pro Dynamic Solutions - a business providing specialized consulting services to consultants and industry business owners in the field of structural and foundations engineering. We focus on complex, theoretically involved assignments crossing engineering discipline boundaries.
Your firm is a reputable and successful consultant and/or EPCM presence in Canadian industrial environment. You have recruited and retained a team of skilled engineers and designers who are ready to meet all your project challenges. But... You receive a sudden request for a service that exceeds your current capability or requires special expertise that you don't have in house. Or you do have it in house but you would like someone to check your calculations and design.
Or, you run into a "grey area" in the code or in a design procedure and cannot reach a consensus among your senior engineers. You need someone with theoretical expertise to help you resolve the question, but you are concerned that a consultant from the academic world may be too expensive, not available for an immediate answer, or detached from project realities.
If this situation applies to you, contact Pro Dynamic Solutions - a Consultant to Consultants! For business owners, we can evaluate problem installations of your products from the structural and foundation side, which will make your operations smoother and more successful.
On this website, you will find information about our services, our education and experience, our contact information, along with compelling reasons to choose us and the training sessions and seminars we offer.